Mail Meal: Nicki Sebastian
by Nicki Sebastian

For mother, photographer, and leukemia survivor,Nicki Sebastian, life’s beauty is found in the everyday moments. Known for her intimate motherhood portraits, she captures family life in such a vibrant, artful way. We chatted with Sebastian to learn more about how her family connects with one another through nature (beach trips are a must!), how she’s nourishing her family of four, and how she teaches them to put Mother Earth first and foremost.
After coming off of the summer season, this time of year is all about settling back into routines and rituals. What are some ways you ground yourself and your family and prepare for the busyness of the upcoming months?
I find it impossible to foresee or prepare for the chaos that a new school year brings, but one fool-proof method to bring everyone in our family back to a place of togetherness and tranquility is to drop everything and park ourselves at the beach. We pack very little—boogie boards, crackers and tuna salad, sunscreen and a few towels—and we can easily spend 6-8 hours without a mention of TV or screens. Plus, bedtime is a breeze after a day in the waves!
At west~bourne, we prioritize being good stewards of the Earth and hope to pass that mindset along to our little ones. How do you incorporate putting the Earth first within your family and community? Any specific habits you have?
Giving back to the very thing that sustains us is definitely a priority for our family. Our school hosts beach clean-ups, and they're always an eye-opener for everyone—the amount of micro-plastics that wash up is absolutely appalling! We also like to grow, enjoy and share as much as we can from our yard and garden, despite the fact that I admittedly do not have a green thumb. However, just the practice of planting and reaping what we sow gives my kids a real sense of appreciation for the energy it takes to produce even a few ripe strawberries or one little bundle of lavender. We're also big fans of Heather Taylor cloth napkins and I much prefer secondhand/vintage clothing and home goods to anything new!
What are some small ways you incorporate and think about nourishment through food in your kid’s everyday life? For example, are there specific dishes you like to make for them? Habits you cultivate together that encourage this?
My older daughter has been an adventurous eater since day one, but my youngest is allergic to the slightest bit of green and would absolutely adopt an all-tan-food lifestyle if I let her. I combat this by frequently making smoothies where I can sneak in kale, spinach, and nutrient dense powders (acai, maca, chia seeds, super greens, the list goes on). I also beef up my homemade pesto with lots of broccoli, kale and spinach, and somehow, it's still a crowd-pleaser with even the most green-averse child!
What does sustainability mean to you?
In the context of being a busy mom, sustainability means providing for my family, modeling behaviors, and teaching my kids practices that minimize waste and treat our surroundings with the utmost respect. Sustainability can be as simple and as seemingly small as bringing reusable bags to the grocery store, or keeping a bin of scrap paper and encouraging the use of both sides of the paper when doodling. Each and every tiny act becomes a part of a bigger, crucial whole—and the more ways we can incorporate these tidbits and gestures into our day-to-day, the more earth-conscious the next generation becomes, adopting sustainable practices as a non-negotiable way of life.