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October 14, 2024

Main Meal: Justin Boone

Main Meal: Justin Boone

Owner and creator of apparel brand Pasture, content and creative director at David x Goliath, stylist, father—Justin Boone definitely stays busy. Despite his schedule, especially after the hectic summer months, he’s focused on setting new routines, staying grounded and present with his family, and taking small steps for planetary health. We caught up with Justin to learn how he thoughtfully approaches the changing season and maintains balance in his life.

After coming off of the summer season, this time of year is all about settling back into routines and rituals. What are some ways you ground yourself and your family and prepare for the upcoming months?

As the summer comes to a close it’s really important that my family gets back into a routine that can run us through the end of the year. With a toddler at home our routine is less about doing things at a certain time and on a certain day, and more about setting intentions and being present as a family. For my family, that looks like eating meals together at home, going to church more consistently, and scheduling activities that are engaging for all of us.

At west~bourne, we prioritize being good stewards of the Earth and hope to pass that mindset along to our little ones. How do you incorporate putting the Earth first within your family and community? Any specific habits you have?

With us still being newer residents to Los Angeles, we have been preparing our home to be as earth-friendly as possible. We do not use much plastic in the house, we are big on recycling, and we are looking to incorporate a compost bin in our backyard for our food waste as well. Many of our cleaning products are from companies that support the Earth and the overall health of our bodies, and we are always looking for more ways to increase our stewardship.

What are some small ways you incorporate and think about nourishment through food in your kid’s everyday life? For example, are there specific dishes you like to make for them? Habits you cultivate together that encourage this?

I grew up in a home where nutrition was very important. My mom was a huge advocate for promoting healthy foods for us to consume growing up. Now having a family of my own, I encourage and incorporate many of those same practices in my home. My son is new when it comes to table food, and we are sure to introduce him to foods that are natural and have as little preservatives as possible. Incorporating food into his daily diet has been pretty easy so far as he really enjoys trying all of the foods that my wife and I eat.

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